Mental Health in Gold Coast

The ability to understand mental health is very challenging because not everyone has the available mechanism or relevant education to do so. Mental health patients rely on the passion and expertise of doctors who have possible answers to some of the most controversial questions involving the management and intervention of mental health.

Mental health defined

Mental health refers to a person’s condition, with respect to their psychological and emotional well-being. It also denotes the absence of any forms of mental illness that can be proven by the brain’s normal functions as manifested directly by a person’s behavioral adjustment at any given situation.

Any gradual or abrupt changes in one’s attitude or behavior are considered as early signs of mental illness. When a person suddenly becomes silent for long periods of time without any reason or is becoming violent in his words or actions, there is a strong probability that he is already considered mentally ill. How to find a leading mental health clinic?

What is mental illness?

Mental illness pertains to various mental health conditions. Disorders affecting mood, thinking, and behavior are manifestations of mental illness. Examples of mental illness include depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, addictive behaviors, and schizophrenia. Most of the time, each individual person will have different mental health concerns.

The health pyramid

Mental health is included in the health pyramid along with the physical aspect and the social aspect. The maxim which says a sound mind is a sound body perfectly describes this phenomenon. In addition, if these qualities are dominant in an individual, he can build good or better social relationships which is a sign of ideal social health.

Other aspects or components of mental health

Mental health comprises of our emotional, psychological and social well-being. How we think, feel and act encompasses everything about our mental condition. These are determinants on how we make choices, relate with others, overcome problems and handle stress on a regular basis. A person’s mental health should be nurtured starting from childhood that is leading to adolescence and through adulthood.

Indicators of good mental health

  • Skillful in developing and maintaining good relationships
  • Systematic management of either positive or negative emotions
  • Ability to express using proper gestures, body language, intonation and emphasis
  • Ability to learn
  • Ability to feel
  • Ability to perform key functions and activities in life

Five common mental health problems

  • Eating disorders
  • Dementia (prevalent in old age)
  • Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders
  • Mood disorders  (sudden and abnormal swings)
  • Anxiety disorders

Signs and symptoms of mental illness

  • An overwhelming feeling – when someone smiles or laugh for no reason at all.
  • A feeling of hopelessness – constant and unexplained anger at almost anything or predominantly pessimistic about his own views and the world
  • Ignoring one’s appetite – refusal to eat food and to water intake
  • Lacks care for oneself – personal hygiene is often not given importance
  • Risky behaviors – manifested by self-inflicted pain and suicidal attempts or tendencies
  • Isolation and social withdrawal – doesn’t want to talk or interact with people by confining oneself indoors most of the time.
  • Unbecoming and uncharacteristic conduct – Mood swings, unjust anger and anxiety
  • A sudden change in personality – acting differently or not acting like he or she is no longer himself or herself.

Common misconceptions

There is a common misunderstanding between mental health and mental illness. Most people misconstrue them as identical in meaning. We all have our respective or individual mental health. When we say mental illness, we refer to people or individuals who are suffering abnormalities from how they think, feel, act, and interact with others.