Mental Health Gold Coast

Mental health is as important as physical health. People don’t notice that they can be affected by mental illness, even faster than they can be affected by a physical ailment. Mental health is a serious matter that deserves your attention. Sometimes you will feel like there’s nothing wrong with your body, but you feel stressed out, and don’t want to move an inch. Such are the indicators that tell you consistently that your thinking box is not functioning promptly. You should not ignore these indicators and get yourself evaluated. Many people suffer from a form of mental disease, and they don’t even know that they have one. We should keep an eye out for our family members and friends. You never know who might be going through a lot, and there are many cases when people ignore the mental disease signs and have to pay the price by losing their loved one.


Mental Diseases

As of now, many types of mental diseases have come into the spotlight. These can range from simple to complex and can be easily identifiable or a hectic task. There are many different types of mental diseases such as age-related diseases, traumatic experience related, virus related, tumour associated and phobia related. The good thing is that doctors can identify these problems if the patient comes on time. The question is, how do you find out that you have a mental ailment. There are many different indicators, indicating a mental disease. Someone who is on the verge of mental breakdown will probably have a sleeping disorder or will start yelling at other people without that much of a reason. They will be agitated by little things. These people have little or no energy, and you will probably listen to complains about being tired even after a full night’s sleep. They will eat more, or they might not eat at all. People who have a mental illness can have unexplainable pain complaints and cramps. They can start forgetting things that are daily life chores. You might hear complaints regarding hearing voices from nowhere.

These were some of the indicators that are common among mental ailments. If you see such signs, you should contact a psychiatrist right away. Please do not ignore them as the life of your loved one or yours could be at risk.


Facilities at Gold Coast


The Gold Coast has one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. The place is always alive, and there are many facilities to cater to the needs of the residents and migrants. The Gold Coast has a lot of mental health facilities as well. It is a good thing to see that Queensland has shown some concern regarding the most common types of diseases. The growing trends in the competition have set a high bar for acceptance as a successful person, and the busy city life is now a threat to the mental health of its residents. Robina Private offer a mental health clinic on the Gold Coast that provides the people with the treatment for every type of mental illness, from Alzheimer’s to Addiction every all the mental health services are there, and all of them are top-notch. The doctors and psychiatrists have an in-depth knowledge of their relevant fields, and they have the qualifications to prove it. Consulting them is always the best option, and the patients should do it as soon as they can.


Emotional Trauma Treatment

Information about psychological trauma

Usually emotional trauma is a result of a stressful event affecting a person psychologically. When a person undergoes a great deal of stress which is beyond their ability to cope with, it can lead to trauma. Sometimes trauma could be related to a single incident or it could be a cumulative effect of years of abuse or distress a person might have undergone.

Since each person has a different way of dealing with stress, their emotional trauma treatment tend to be different too. No two individuals react to a situation in the same way. While people who are sensitive are likely to be more affected sometimes they are quicker to get out of distress because they have an ability to cope with their emotions. Sometimes a person becomes so unaccustomed to dealing with their emotions that a distressing event might sent them completely over the edge.

Signs and Symptoms of trauma

  • Once a person suffers from trauma, they might undergo the similar trauma again mentally. These incidences in a person’s life are known as triggers. These triggers can be potentially damaging for a person’s safety and can be very painful for those who experience it.
  • In order to cope such a person might turn to alcohol or other drugs. They believe that these could help lessen their pain and help them take their stress better. Alcohol and drug dependence becomes common and it becomes a hard habit to break. Sometimes a person intoxicates themselves such a great deal that they lose their ability to think rationally.
  • Trauma can also lead to anxiety. The person keeps replaying the situation in their mind and can actually feel it happening to them all over again. This could lead to social anxiety.
  • Panic attacks become common as a result. Sometimes a person despite being in peaceful surroundings starts experiencing paranoia.
  • Some people who experience trauma might undergo repressed memory where they may not have any recollection of the event but they can actually feel it somewhere at the back of their mind. This becomes even more disturbing because they have no idea of what is causing those strange emotions.

Treating emotional trauma

There are a number of approaches dealing with people suffering from emotional trauma. While some psychologists believe in cognitive behaviour therapy, there are those who might use a different approach. It all normally depends on what treatment plan may be better treated with a particular treatment.

Few basic processes for people undergoing therapy include:

  • Psycho education wherein individuals are taught coping mechanisms
  • Regulation of emotions. The psychologist would help an individual accept their issues and provide them guidelines of dealing with emotion in a positive manner.
  • Cognitive therapy wherein the person is taught to channel their negative thoughts into more positive ones.
  • Emotional and traumatic reprocessing. Both of these are part of the therapy when the person has become better accustomed at dealing with their anxiety and stress.