It is essential for the medical staff to handle patients in emergency situations in the right manner. Failure to do so can be life threatening in such cases. In order to ensure efficient patient transfer, it is essential to buy the right kind of recovery stretcher.
What is a recovery stretcher, and what should we keep in mind when choosing one?
The quality of the recovery stretcher
When buying new medical equipment, the first thing which should be kept in mind is to not compromise on the quality of the product. There are different kinds of recovery stretchers available in the market but not all of these provide the same level of functionality. Also the ones which are cheaper than the rest tend to be low quality and can’t be put to use in emergency situations without the chance of risk. At a medical facility there is emphasis on complete patient care and safety. That is why any new equipment which is bought needs to pass all the safety standards. It’s important to only invest in good quality stretchers.
The durability
The more durable a recovery stretcher the easier it would be to move the patient with ease. Good quality stretchers have high quality harnesses which can help restrict patient movement to nil. In case of medical emergencies it is essential that the patient should not be moved in jerks and pulls. This may add up to their injuries causing further problem. The bands on the stretchers prevent undue movement and ensure that patient is placed safely and transferred safely as well.
The dimension and the weight capacity of the recovery stretcher
Another important thing to consider when buying a recovery trolley is to know the exact dimensions. Recovery trolleys are available in small and large sizes. These are used for a variety of purposes for example in rescue missions associated with fire, mountain climbing, armed forces and building site. The key is to buy one which can be used in all of the above mentioned instances.
Features of recovery stretchers
- The stretchers comprise of belts which are used for lifting and towing
- Another system of belts which is used for folding the stretcher and storing it when it’s not in use.
- Additional handle on a stretcher are mandatory. It allows for easy lifting of heavier patients with four or eight hands.
A recovery stretcher should be light weight and functional enough to handle any kind of emergency situation. The stretcher should guarantee complete immobility of the patient. Also it must be made from the strongest and most durable material so that it doesn’t tear or break during the medical emergency. Recovery stretchers should offer an excellent performance. This is why medial facilities should only go for the ones which are known for their high quality and rigorous testing standards. All recovery stretchers undergo testing and should come under compliance issued by the medical society of safety standards.
Keep in mind all of the above mentioned things when buying recovery stretchers.